10 Words Revealing Worlds
Date Completed: 26/10/2022

Module: 61_1
Duration: ≈30 Days
Typography Project
Softwares Used:
Duration: ≈30 Days
Typography Project
Softwares Used:

Brief:The aim of this project is to create a typeface for a specific purpose. The process has to begin by analysing 3 fonts that are similar to that purpose, and the outcome has to be an improved version.
The typeface has to contain the minimum characters to spell out:
- NAVOHamburgefontsilv
- Alpino
- It's own name
The typeface has to contain the minimum characters to spell out:
- NAVOHamburgefontsilv
- Alpino
- It's own name
250 Word (Concept):
For this project my aim is to recreate an official font that is used in the signs throughout all the highways of Latin spoken countries. Therefore, this font would be used mostly within Europe and in North and South America. Although within European highways most of the fonts appear the same, every country within it uses different fonts and uses them in a different way. The fonts used within the signs on the highway are extremely important, as they need to be as legible as possible due to the fact that drivers can’t keep their eyes off the road for too long periods of time. Illegible fonts could cause confusion and can be the reason for drivers getting lost, and if they keep their eyes off the road for too long it could also cause an accident. Although the fonts used in highways nowadays are extremely well made for their purpose, I want to create one that fits within all countries and could make the driving experience as seamless as possible when people are doing long road trips where they can sometimes cross into a few countries.
To create this new and universal font, I will study the different fonts that are found throughout Europe and in North America and take inspiration from them to create a font that fits well with all of them. The three main ones I will be analysing will be Motorway, Highway Gothic and Clearview.
To create this new and universal font, I will study the different fonts that are found throughout Europe and in North America and take inspiration from them to create a font that fits well with all of them. The three main ones I will be analysing will be Motorway, Highway Gothic and Clearview.
Typeface Specimen:

Real Application: