Giacomo Borreo Portfolio
30 / 08 / 1999

Hello, welcome to my professional portfolio. I am 24 years old and have a strong passion for good graphic design. 
Within these projects, you can see my broad skill set, which includes everything from Branding, Editorial, Video editing and UX / UI. I also have some experience in Photography and Sound Editing & Production. 

For my Curriculum Vitae, click here.

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Giacomo Borreo Portfolio
30 / 08 / 1999

Hello, Welcome to my professional portfolio. I am 24 years old and have a strong passion for good graphic design.
Within these projects, you can see my broad skill set, which includes everything from Branding, Editorial, Video editing and UX / UI. I also have some experience in Photography and Sound Editing & Production.

I hope you enjoy the projects! 

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05 FundRaiser App
Date Completed: 05 / 12 / 2021

Module: 51_2
Duration: 30 Days

Branding &
UX / UI Design

Softwares Used:


For this project we were tasked with finding a social issue which we cared about and attempting to solve it with an app. The app would have to feature at least 20 screens, a unique logo  + animation, a 30+ second promotional video, appropriate mockups and a web landing page.

My Solution:
When brainstorming for the project, I had multiple idea of what I wanted to create, however the one thing that was clear to me from the start was that I wanted to create an app that attempts to solve more than only one social issue. The app I created is called FundRaiser. Its a social media app that is aimed at connecting those who want to change the world and create fundraising events. The app is aimed to encourage anyone to take action, regardless of their age. The app can be used to create events, post pictures, meet people and send instant messages.

FundRaiser Logo:

Given the appplication is based around Funding those in need, I chose to make the colors of the brand and the logo based on gold, which is a universal currency. 

Click on the link below to see the motion grapic:

App Flow:

The following link contains the app flow which showcases the navigation and features of the FundRaiser app:

Screenshots of FundRaiser:

Promotional Video:

The following video was created in order to promote the app. This could be used as an advertisement within social media or youtube: